What type of game is Broken Ranks?
Broken Ranks is a low fantasy MMORPG with a vast, open world, an immersive, non-linear storyline, and a unique, turn-based combat system. The game uses an isometric view reminiscent of classic, popular titles like Baldur’s Gate.
A multitude of players, alone or in a party, explore cities teeming with life, cloud-covered mountaintops, forgotten ruins full of mysteries and dread, and many other lands.
Does the game have multiple character classes?
There are seven classes you can choose from. Each of them has 5 basic, common abilities and 9 unique abilities that the other classes don't have access to.
Available classes:
◉ Fire Mages - experts in offensive fire spells. Fire Mages focus on dealing massive damage, mostly from a distance.
◉ Voodoos - magicians that harness dark powers. They are experts in weakening foes with mental attacks.
◉ Druids - excellent healers who understand the language of nature and are able to summon its strength. The ability to heal friends and immobilize foes let Druids support the whole party very well.
◉ Barbarians - fearless warriors that charge into combat without hesitation. They can deal incredible amounts of damage with melee weapons.
◉ Knights - intrepid warriors who inspire their companions. They focus on empowering and protecting other party members.
◉ Archers - disciplined hunters boasting uncanny precision and sharpened senses. Thanks to them, they are great at weakening foes and dealing damage from a distance.
◉ Sheeds - warriors using the agility and strength of their own bodies in battle. They are melee combatants who weaken their foes by attacking their vulnerable spots.
You can read more about them here: https://brokenranks.com/#sectionCharacters
What’s the story about?
It’s a story about a refugee looking for their own place in a new world and, at the same time, about a hero who needs to find strength to regain what the invaders took from them. They need to find their way in a brutal reality where everyday brings new challenges but also opportunities.
What does combat look like?
Combat in Broken Ranks is turn-based and every combatant chooses their actions at the same time. You have only 10 seconds to choose what you’re going to do, so in order to defeat challenging enemies, you need both good cooperation and fast reaction times.
Is there PvP in the game?
Yes, it can be found in the game in two forms - open PvP and tournaments.
Open PvP is available to players who agree to take part in such activities. You can give your consent by joining one of the three factions: Unionists, Free Spirits, or Rogues. Players who belong to them and mark themselves ready for PvP can fight each other outside of the safe zones that are marked green.
There are also regions (marked white) where PvP is open to everybody, not only to players belonging to a faction. In most cases, they can be safely bypassed by choosing a different route.
In addition to that, every player (factionless or not) can participate in Arena tournaments.
Are there guilds available in Broken Ranks
Yes, you’ll be able to form guilds and create your own community around them. You’ll get a separate guild chat that allows for a more efficient communication, forum, shoutbox, and also headquarters that you’ll be able to upgrade. Guilds deepen connections between players but also have additional benefits such as temple bonuses, guild pets, teleportation tower and a deposit where you can put your items.
Will there be an in-game voice chat?
Voice chats will not be available in-game, but you can use our official Discord channel for voice communication: https://discord.gg/brokenranks
Will the game be available on Steam?
We’re thinking about it. At first, the game will be available only through our game client that you can download from the homepage https://brokenranks.com
Will I be able to play on any Windows version?
Broken Ranks can be run on every Windows system starting from Window 7 to Window 11, both 32bit and 64bit.
What about the 32bit Windows patch?
It’s ready. Currently, it needs to be manually installed, but we plan to automate the process later. It is available at the link below.
Installation instructions:
◉ Run the launcher to download the latest update.
◉ Close the launcher.
◉ Download the patch from here.
◉ Unzip it to Whitemoon/BrokenRanks - overwrite existing files.
◉ Run the launcher.
WARNING: Until we make the procedure automatic, you'll have to repeat the steps above every time there's a new update.
Will the game be released on other operating systems?
We plan to make a MacOS version available after the initial launch. There are currently no plans to release Broken Ranks on Linux.
Where can I report problems with the game, installation, etc.?
You can report your issues on our Discord or on https://support.brokenranks.com/. If you don’t have an account there, please create it using the email of your account in the game (for faster verification and identification of the issues).
What should I do if I have issues downloading or installing the game client?
Frequent issues and their solutions::
Issue: I get ERROR#2058 when trying to log in.
Solution: You need to run ConsoleLauncher from C:\Whitemoon\BrokenRanks and then click on the Check files integrity button next to PLAY and restart the launcher
Issue: When I try to log into the game, I get Error#3001 - the game doesn’t have write permission.
Solution: Run the game as administrator.
Issue: When I try to log into the game, I get Error#3683, Error#3766, or Error#3694
Solution: You can try updating your drivers, but these errors usually occur when the GPU doesn’t support 4K textures.
If you have an issue not listed above, please contact our support department at https://support.brokenranks.com/
Where can I report payment issues?
All payment issues should be reported via our Support https://support.brokenranks.com/
Where can I find the Game Rules?
Game Rules can be found in the lower menu of the homepage.
Who are the Administrators, Engineers, Game Masters, and Moderators?
Chat Moderators - they are officials with the rights to help and support players on in-game chats and on the forum. They are also responsible for moderating in-game chats and giving punishments if the game rules are broken. On the chats, their nicks are green.
Chat Supermoderators - they are officials with all the rights of normal Moderators but who also help with organizing events. Their nicks are light green on the chats.
Quest Master - officials with the rights and knowledge needed to help with quest and task issues.
Game Master - officials with all the rights of Moderators and Supermoderators who are also responsible for communication between Players and Administrators. In addition to that, they are responsible for supporting players with any in-game issues. They organize events and answer tickets in the support system. They also have the right to ban both in-game and support accounts temporarily or permanently, change the parameters or resources for accounts or even guilds. Their nicks are orange on the chats.
Engineer - officials responsible for developing the game and implementing its elements.
Administrator - officials with all the right of Moderators, Supermoderators and Game Master. They oversee the work of Moderators and GMs, take care of the server and also answer tickets in the support system. Their nicks are red on the chats.
A list of all Broken Ranks team members can be found here:
Are you publishing patchnotes anywhere?
Yes, we have a changelog section on our website. The link is in the upper menu. We’ll try to keep you updated on the changes.
Are you going to release a mobile version? If so, when?
We are working on a mobile version (for Android and IOS), but the PC version is our priority. The mobile version will become available at a later date and we will inform you about this.
What will the system requirements be for the mobile version?
Android: 1GB RAM, minimum resolution of 1280×720, and a dual core processor. Our test devices with the lowest parameters that allow for a more or less smooth gameplay are Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and Samsung Galaxy S5. The minimum screen size for comfortable gameplay is 4.3". The bigger the screen, the better your experience.
IOS: We haven't started testing on Apple devices yet. Due to screen size, we probably won't support phones older than iPhone 6. The oldest supported tablet will be iPad 3 (iPad 2's resolution might be too low).
Will I be able to log in / create an account through Facebook?
Not at present, but this option may be added in the future.
What are the minimum system requirements?
◉ 4 GB RAM,
◉ CPU: i3,
◉ GPU: Intel HD Graphics 6 generation (min Intel HD Graphics 3000) - Graphic card that supports 4k textures,
◉ 512 MB VRAM,
◉ HDD: 5 GB,
◉ system Windows - version 7 or higher
What are the recommended system requirements?
◉ 8 GB RAM,
◉ CPU: i5 or higher,
◉ GPU: Nvidia GeForce 1050 or higher,
◉ 1 GB VRAM,
◉ HDD: 5 GB,
◉ system Windows 64-bit
Is the game cross-platform?
Yes, mobile, PC, and Mac versions will let you play together. However, we are focusing on the PC version first.
Will you release Broken Ranks on consoles?
There are currently no plans to do this.
What will happen to The Pride of Taern accounts, characters, and servers?
All The Pride of Taern servers have been launched in Broken Ranks and the accounts have been transferred to the new version of the game together with all characters.
The progress made in Taern has not been deleted.
Is the game available in languages other than Polish and English?
Yes, apart from English and Polish, the game is translated to Russian, German, French, and Portuguese. Will we support other languages? Only time will tell.
Are there dedicated servers for different countries?
There are dedicated servers for each language. All our language versions are listed above. Of course, this doesn't mean that someone from Portugal can’t play, e.g. On a Russian server. However, you’ll need to keep in mind the fact that player communication, and all the content of the game will be available only in the language of the server.
What servers are there?
In the game, we have several servers with a dedicated language. At present, the game is available in Polish, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Russian. You can create a character on one of the following servers:
◉ Thanar - Polish-speaking server (transferred from The Pride of Taern),
◉ Kadarin i Izin - (new Polish-speaking servers, launched on 25.01.2022),
◉ Thalia - English-speaking server (transferred from The Pride of Taern),
◉ Dramon - English-speaking server (launched on 25.01.2022),
◉ Thaas - Portuguese-speaking server (launched on 25.01.2022) ,
◉ Kahiris - German-speaking server (launched on 25.01.2022),
◉ Rylia - French-speaking server (launched on 25.01.2022),
◉ Pavar - Russian-speaking server (transferred from The Pride of Taern),
◉ Naravar - Russian-speaking server (launched on 25.01.2022).
What technology/engine will Broken Ranks use?
◉ Technology: Adobe AIR
◉ Engine: Away3d + Starling + Feathers
What types of gear are there in the game and how to tell them apart?
The gear qualities are as follow:
◉ Epic - yellow names,
◉ Rares - legendary gear (light blue name),
◉ Set - part of a gear set, green names,
◉ Synergetics - red names,
◉ Pet rares - (dark blue name),
◉ Normal - white names.
All of them have different properties and it is up to the player and their style to choose the ones they want.
How can I trade?
There are two options to trade:
◉ Marketplace - in order to buy/sell something on the marketplace, you need to deposit gold/platinum to your marketplace account. You can deposit gold simply by putting it inside the deposit connected with the marketplace. With platinum, things are different - you need to move platinum boxes into the deposit first and then add them to the marketplace account. Remember that you should not unbox the platinum if you want to use it on the marketplace.
◉ The other way is trading using the trade chat. All you need to do is send a trade offer and interested players can contact you via a private message. The direct trade system is simple - both parties put the items/resources they want to trade into the trade window and accept the trade. The trade is finalized only when both parties accept. Always make sure you are offering and receiving the right items.
I’m interested in writing a review / creating content about Broken Ranks. Who can I contact?
We're open to cooperation. All you need to do is contact our PR department at [email protected].
If you've already created some content related to BR, we’d be grateful if you could send it to us at the address above
Do I have to pay to play?
Broken Ranks is a F2P (Free to Play) game. This means that the game itself is free. All you need to do is download the client from our website.
Do you have a premium currency?
Yes, we have a premium currency called platinum that you can spend on various features. However, players are free to trade platinum between themselves, so you can just buy or get it from other players in exchange for items or gold. This opens many possibilities as there’s no need to spend money on the game - a feature that is absent from other MMOs.
Does this mean that Broken Ranks is a pay-to-win game?
No. You don't need premium currency to have fun in the game. In addition to that, you can buy it or get it from other players (it can be traded like any other item).
In the current version of the game (The Pride of Taern), this system proved to be very well designed (as compared to some other games), making our community quite happy. Our model makes it easier to simply enjoy the game and also boosts the game economy.
The main thing you can do with platinum is change your appearance, e.g. with various skins. There are also things you can buy with it that affect the game, but spending money on platinum is never required.
Since Broken Ranks is frequently compared to other games (including mobiles ones), we want to dispel some doubts: Our item shop doesn't include any items that give players a huge advantage over others. Gear can only be gained by fighting bosses, special mobs or by trading with other players. Most other items can be crafted and the time to make them (instead of buying them with premium currency) is often insignificant. We know that this is an important topic, so we’ll for sure devote more space to it in the news section of our website.
- Monetization part 1: Premium currency
- Monetization part 2: Free and premium options
- Monetization part 3: Premium account and Shop
Is there any way we can send fanart or other fan-made materials related to BR?
You can post them on our Discord, in the Community Corner section or/and on our Forum.
Will there be class guides?
Guides were usually created by our veteran players. We hope that they’ll share their experience with you. The best articles may be published on our social media channels (e.g. Facebook). You can also post them on our Forum or Discord (Community content -> guides).
We may also publish some tutorials for new players at a later date.
Where can I find Broken Ranks on social media?
You can join our communities on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. We also have a Youtube channel. If you want to be able to talk to the developers or other players directly, you can join our Discord server.
Where can I see videos/trailers/photos from important events related to the game community?
The most important information is published in the news section of our website https://brokenranks.com/en/news/. Trailers and videos from the game can be found on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhitemoonGames.
It is a yearly convention organized by us for the fans of our games. You can see the report from the last event here: https://brokenranks.com/en/news/wroclaw-goes-to-sleep--taern-wakes-up-or-a-few-words-about-taerncon-2022